Monday, January 11, 2010

Birthday Party Ideas?

Mackynlee is doing great. I still have not heard from the doctors concerning the peg tube. We have increased Mackynlee's formula intake from 4 ounces every 3 hours to 6 ounces every 3 hours. She is not throwing up and seems to be much more satisfied. We were having to hold her all of the time. Talk about wear you out!!

Mark's Uncle Charles is still in the hospital. Doctors will be running test today to figure out what exactly is going on with him.

Okay, the real reason for this post: HEART MOMS I need ideas. We are cosidering having Mackynlee a first birthday party on Valentine's weekend. I am planning to do a heart theme of coarse. I would like to somehow pull in chd awareness. Any ideas? The only thing that is coming to my mind is having children bring riding toys and having signs already made with defect facts to hang on their riding toys. Maybe a parade to promote awareness?


  1. Yeah she's keeping more down! She might not be used to eating any food do to the tube. Just try to keep working with her on it. I know it can be fustrating at times! Have you tried sweet potatoes or any fruits in baby food? I know that alot of kids really like it especially my son. Please let me know if that works and what the doctor said about the pediasure. :)

  2. Hi Susan!!! So good to hear from you! We haven't talked forever~ I'm ALWAYS keeping you and your sweet family in my prayers tho!!

    You are NO bother what so ever. I love this stuff!

    First of all, we need to make this blog into a three column. I can do that and then let me know what you would like in the side bars.

    Email me anytime!

    Always praying,

